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Project |
Category |
Description |
Join team | MLC@Home | Artificial Intelligence | MLC@Home is a distributed computing project dedicated to understanding and interpreting complex machine learning models, with an emphasis on neural networks. |
Join team | SETI@Home | Astrobiology | Search for signals of intelligent extraterrestrial life. |
Join team | SETI@Home Beta | Astrobiology | Test project for SETI@Home. |
Join team | Asteroids@home | Astronomy | Research into asteroids. |
Join team | Gaia@home | Astronomy | Gaia is a major ESA mission designed to survey 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) stars in the Milky Way in order to make a 3D map of unprecedented accuracy. |
Join team | Milkyway@Home | Astronomy | Create a highly accurate three dimensional model of the Milky Way galaxy. |
Join team | Universe@Home | Astronomy | Research in physics and astronomy. |
Join team | Albert@Home | Astrophysics | Test project of Einstein@Home. |
Join team | Einstein@Home | Astrophysics | Search for gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars). |
Join team | RALPH@home | Biology | Test platform of Rosetta@Home. |
Join team | RNA World | Biology | RNA (Ribonucleic acid) related research. |
Join team | Rosetta@Home | Biology | Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins. |
Join team | GPUGRID | Biomedicine | All-atom biomolecular simulations. |
Join team | QuChemPedIA@home | Chemistry | N/A |
Join team | Parlea | Compute | Study the effectiveness and behavior of mobile devices as computing nodes on the BOINC platform to solve the problem of finding orthogonal diagonal Latin squares (ODLS). |
Join team | Enigma@Home | Cryptography | Break 3 original Enigma messages, intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942. |
Join team | Moo! Wrapper | Cryptography | Wrapper. Allows a BOINC Client to participate in the RC5-72 challenge of |
Join team | Solar@home | Material Science | Research into more efficient solar cells. |
Join team | Gerasim@Home | Mathematics | Research in mathematics and logic control. |
Join team | NFS@Home | Mathematics | Research in the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large integers. |
Join team | NumberFields@home | Mathematics | Search in number theory. |
Join team | ODLK | Mathematics | Research into Latin Square |
Join team | ODLK1 | Mathematics | Research into Latin Square. |
Join team | PrimeGrid | Mathematics | Search for mega primes and special form numbers. |
Join team | RakeSearch | Mathematics | RakeSearch is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to search for orthogonal diagonal Latin squares. |
Join team | SRBase | Mathematics | SRBase is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers trying to solve Sierpinski / Riesel Bases up to 1030. |
Join team | LODA | Mathematics/Computer Science | Finding programs and algorithms for integer sequences. |
Join team | DENIS@Home | Medicine | DENIS uses volunteer devices to compute large amounts of cardiac electrophysiological simulations. |
Join team | Brainstorm@home | Molecular Biology | Investigate the molecular basis of brain-related diseases |
Join team | Ibercivis | Multi-Application | Research into physics and biocomputation. |
Join team | TN-Grid | Multi-Application | TN-Grid is a platform that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in various scientific projects. |
Join team | World Community Grid | Multi-Application | Umbrella project for multiple humanitarian applications. |
Join team | YAFU | Multi-Application | BOINC tester and number factorization. |
Join team | Yoyo@home | Multi-Application | Sub-projects for mathematics, design simulation for accelerators and evolution. |
Join team | Amicable Numbers | Number Theory | Amicable Numbers is an independent research project that uses Internet-connected computers to find new amicable pairs. |
Join team | LHC@home | Physics | This a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to advance Particle and Accelerator Physics. |
Join team | Minecraft@Home | Simulation | Minecraft@Home enables the study of the fundemental laws of Minecraft to answer unanswered questions regarding the features and true limits of the game. |
Join team | iThena | Technology | The iThena distributed project concerns experimental mapping of network structures included in the Internet. |
Join team | nanoHUB@Home | Technology | Research in nanoscience and nanotechnology |
Join team | NetMax@home | Telecommunication | Research in dynamic routing at telecommunication networks. |
Join team | BOINC Test Project | Various | Test project for the BOINC platform. |
Join team | WUProp@Home | Various | BOINC data collection. |
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Project |
Category |
Description |
Join team | Science@Enterprise | ||
Join team | GoofyxGrid@Home | ? | ? |
Join team | Constellation | Aerospace | Constellation is a platform for all kind of aerospace related simulations. |
Join team | BURP | Art | BURP aims to develop a publicly distributed system for rendering 3D animations. |
Join team | FreeHAL@home | Artificial Intelligence | Develop a computer program which very closely imitates human conversation. |
Join team | Orbit@Home | Astronomy | Apply distributed computing to the study of Solar System dynamics. |
Join team | theSkyNet POGS | Astronomy | Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. |
Join team | Biochemical Library | Biochemistry | Research in biochemistry. |
Join team | SIMAP | Bioinformatics | Compute the Similarity Matrix of Proteins SIMAP. |
Join team | The Lattice Project | Bioinformatics | Lattice is a master project for different projects in the field of Bioinformatics. |
Join team | iGEM@home | Biology | Research in the field of synthetic biology. |
Join team | Malaria Control | Biology | Simulate effects of Malaria and its control. |
Join team | NRG | Biology | Research in molecular recognition and computational biology. |
Join team | POEM@HOME | Biology | Predict the biologically active structure of proteins. |
Join team | USPROTEINS@HOME | Biology | N/A |
Join team | Wildlife@Home | Biology | Help analyze video of wildlife. |
Join team | Rioja Science | Biomedicine | Biomedical research. |
Join team | eOn | Chemistry | Calculate the long time dynamics of systems. |
Join team | Leiden Classical | Chemistry | Grid dedicated to general Classical Dynamics for any scientist or science student. |
Join team | mopac@home | Chemistry | Research in Quantum Chemistry. |
Join team | QMC@Home | Chemistry | Further develop the Quantum Monte Carlo method for general use in Quantum Chemistry. |
Join team | MindModeling@Home | Cognitive Science | Focuses on utilizing computational cognitive process modeling to better understand the human mind. |
Join team | AQUA@Home | Computer Science | Predict the performance of superconducting adiabatic quantum computers on a variety of hard problems. |
Join team | SAT@home | Computer Science | Help solve Boolean satisfiability problems (SAT). |
Join team | SubsetSum@Home | Computer Science | Help solve subset sum problems. |
Join team | Cosmology@Home | Cosmology | Compare theoretical models of the universe and search for the model that best matches it. |
Join team | AndersonAttack@home | Cryptography | AndersonAttack@home is a research project aimed at solving cryptanalysis problems with the help of Anderson attack. |
Join team | DistrRTgen | Cryptography | Give the world's security experts the best tools available for detecting weak hashes. |
Join team | DNETC@HOME | Cryptography | Wrapper between BOINC and |
Join team | Docking@Home | Drug Design | Discovery of novel pharmaceuticals which may help cure diseases such as HIV. |
Join team | DrugDiscovery@Home | Drug Design | Discover new drugs in the fields of cancer and degenerative diseases. |
Join team | FiND@Home | Drug Design | Discover novel targets for antimalarial drugs. |
Join team | Virtual Prairie | Ecology | Ecology research. |
Join team | Gridcoin Finance | Finance | Gridcoin Finance is a research and development project that uses volunteers computing power to perform financial simulations, analysis of the block chain, consolidate humanitarian reports, calculate marketing strategies, perform stock option analysis, harvest business intelligence, and assimilate top level results for the crowdsourced web pages. |
Join team | Chess@Home | Games | The purpose of this project is to construct a chess winnig possition classifier. |
Join team | Sudoku@vtaiwan | Games | Research in Sudoku. |
Join team | AlmereGrid | Genetics | Reveal the mysteries of genome organization. |
Join team | AlmereGrid TestGrid | Genetics | Test project of AlmereGrid. |
Join team | Correlizer | Genetics | Reveal the mysteries of genome organization. |
Join team | DHEP@Home | Genetics | DHEP allows you to host an island running a Genetic Algorithm in a coevolutionary setting synthesising future super-reliable electronics such as those used in autonomous vehicles, power stations, medical equipment, aerospace. These are of increasingly paramount importance as more and more human lives rely on well functioning hardware. |
Join team | DNA@Home | Genetics | The goal of DNA@Home is to discover what regulates the genes in DNA. |
Join team | Superlink@Technion | Genetics | Help geneticists all over the world find disease-provoking genes. |
Join team | Ideologias@Home | Human Science | Study how people in a certain region evolve ideologically over time with respect to an idea. |
Join team | Russian Words Compatibility | Linguistics | Russian computational linguistics. |
Join team | Magnetism@home | Magnetism | Explore the equilibrium, metastable and transient magnetization patterns. |
Join team | BMG@Home | Material Science | BMG@Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do research in computational materials science. |
Join team | SLinCA@Home | Material Science | Research into material science. |
Join team | XANSONS for COD | Material Science | XANSONS for COD is a research project aimed to create an open access database of simulated x-ray and neutron powder diffraction patterns for nanocrystalline phase of the materials presented in the Crystallography Open Database (COD). |
Join team | ABC Lattices@Home | Mathematics | Search for good ABC-triples. |
Join team | ABC@Home | Mathematics | Research into the ABC conjecture. |
Join team | Beal@Home | Mathematics | Research into the Beal's conjecture. |
Join team | BealF@Home | Mathematics | Testing Beal conjecture using supercomputers and distributed computing platform BOINC. |
Join team | Collatz Conjecture | Mathematics | Testing the Collatz Conjecture also known as 3x+1 or HOTPO (half or triple plus one). |
Join team | DBN UPPER BOUND | Mathematics | DBN Upper Bound is a Polymath project related to the theory of the Riemann zeta function |
Join team | Mersenne@home | Mathematics | Search for Mersenne primes. |
Join team | OProject@Home | Mathematics | Simulation of the quantum Shor algorithm. |
Join team | Primaboinca | Mathematics | Search for a counterexample to some conjectures. |
Join team | Prime Rows | Mathematics | We want find all symmetric tuples of consecutive primes in the range from zero to 2^64. |
Join team | RSA Lattice Siever | Mathematics | Help factoring projects such as mersenneforum or XYYXf achieve their academic goals. |
Join team | Van Der Waerden Numbers | Mathematics | Find better lower bounds for Van Der Waerden numbers. |
Join team | WEP-M+2 | Mathematics | Factorization (number theory) of Mersenneplustwo numbers using the WEP algorithm. |
Join team | Convector | Mechanics | Calculate the optimum of discrete optimization problems. |
Join team | Climate@Home | Meteorology | Climate research. |
Join team | Climateprediction | Meteorology | The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century. |
Join team | CAS@Home | Multi-Application | Build a grid for Chinese scientists. |
Join team | CESC | Multi-Application | Research in Math and Biology. |
Join team | DistributedDataMining | Multi-Application | Research in Simulation, Data Analysis and Machine Learning. |
Join team | EDGeS@Home | Multi-Application | Execution of selected and validated scientific applications developed by the EGEE and EDGeS community. |
Join team | SZTAKI Desktop Grid | Multi-Application | Research into mathematics, linguistics and physics. |
Join team | UTP Desktop Grid | Multi-Application | Grid of the UTP University (Universiti Teknologi Petronas). |
Join team | VGTU project@Home | Multi-Application | BOINC platform of the VGTU University. |
Join team | Spinhenge@home | Nanotechnology | The study of molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism. |
Join team | Neurona@Home | Neural Network | Simulate the behavior of cellular automata neurons connected in a complex network. |
Join team | OPTIMA@HOME | Optimization | Solve challenging large-scale optimization problems. |
Join team | Sourcefinder | Other | Sourcefinder is about testing the performance and quality of the Duchamp Sourcefinding application. |
Join team | Acoustics@home | Physics | Solving inverse problems in underwater acoustics. |
Join team | Nanosurf | Physics | The project is devoted to physics. Nano physics, material physics, quantum physics and optics. |
Join team | physics@home | Physics | Research into nanoscale sized physics and Quantum Chemistry. |
Join team | Radioactive@Home | Physics | Create free and constantly updated map of radiation available for all people. |
Join team | uFluids@Home | Physics | Research into microgravity and microfluidics problems. |
Join team | QCN | Seismology | Research in seismology. |
Join team | QCN (Taiwan) | Seismology | Research in Seismology. |
Join team | BOINC@Fitt | Technology | Runs different technological projects. |
Join team | Beef@Home | Various | Runs various work units on different subjects. |
Join team | Bitcoin Utopia | Various | Bitcoin mining. |
Join team | Pirates@Home | Various | BOINC tester. |
Join team | Plagiarism@Home | Various | Search for potential plagiarism in Internet resources. |
Join team | Putra Desktop Grid | Various | Desktop Grid. |
Join team | SimOne@home | Various | BOINC tester. |
Join team | Stop@home | Various | Tasks related to various fields. |
Join team | Volpex@UH | Various | Create effective parallel computing on multiple volatile nodes. |
Join team | Spatiotemporal Quality of Service (QoS) | Web Service | Perform distributed web service evaluation so that more accurate service quality information can be delivered to end users. |